
日曜日, 3月 16, 2025


Today it was strongly suggested I go on yet another food shopping trip ( ・∇・)

It wasn't necessary I go but I went anyway ( ̄∇ ̄)

Thankfully it ended up not being so bad but whatever ★☆★

It was another casual co*de but I wanted to show you my Easter gets! ♫

They were just too cute to pass up (〃ω〃)

The bunny is supposed to smell like chocolate but it's more like a perfume (・・?)

Also my apologies if you see some annoying ads! (*´∀`*) Apparently I set some sort of experiment with google and can't turn it off till it's done m(_ _)m

1 件のコメント:

rinmero0818 さんのコメント...

they look so cute <3