Now that I've been out here in the desert🌵 especially during the winter, my skin has gotten worse(✖╭╮✖)
My face was always a bit of both oily and dry but now it's really bad⬇⬇⬇ Like it's more dry now(;﹏;) But it's so hard to find anything that will work with my skin that won't break the bank or is CF🔔
I want to get back into wearing full face make but with my skin, I don't want it to get worse( ; ; )
Does anyone have suggestions?🙏 I don't really have beauty stores near me to help😓
3 件のコメント:
Lightweight moisturizers should be one to try, I think. I personally use CosRx brand essence and moisturizer. I'm not sure if you can find that locally or online though!
I might be able to help! I have very sensitive skin, so what I use probably won’t hurt your skin, but then again everyone’s skin is different. I have to be very careful to avoid hyaluronic acid. It’s marketed for dry skin but can make some peoples skin more dry and cause irritation and acne. If that’s in your products, you might have success eliminating it. Make sure to check for its other names like sodium hyaluronate.
Do you mind ordering online? Peach slices has a redness line, I use the gel moisturizer and I like that. It’s also not too expensive either, and at ulta you can usually get a coupon for it! I looked it up and cruelty free kitty says that brand is safe! It isn’t quite enough on its own for me in the winter tho, I started using an expensive cream I got for Christmas on the areas where my skin gets flaky. That one is from farmacy and it’s called honey halo, I don’t know if honey is something you use tho. I just have the mini and since I don’t use it everywhere that size is fine.
I use other stuff for my redness and rosacea that I can tell you about too if you want! Skincare is really hard. It’s all trial and error and a lot of companies reformulated to “safer” stuff that can actually trigger things like rosacea more.. so I know how hard it can be. It’s so stressful and you just Wanna stop breaking out or having dry patches or burning etc (◣_◢)
I tried cosrx, it's very moisturizing but I think it was too much for my pores. I kept breaking out on my chin. Since stopping, I experience like maybe 1 pimple a month instead of like 4 at once xD For a few months now I've been using Dynasty Cream by Beauty of Joseon. I usually can find this in Marshall's or TJMaxx.