
日曜日, 9月 01, 2024


I want to learn Japanese!

It's been so difficult and I don't know what to do.

学校で習えばよかった。 アプリ、本、動画を試しました。
Wish I took it in school. I tried apps, books and videos.

Think I really need a teacher.

Is there one that someone can recommend?

I'm doing little things to try to learn better.

Like making this blog more like a Japanese one.

もっと練習するために、Ameba に戻ろうかとも考えています。
I'm also thinking about going back to Ameba for more practice.

でも、2 つのブログを管理するのはとても大変です。
It's so hard to manage two blogs though.

Anyone have suggestions?

2 件のコメント:

Rae Melody さんのコメント...

Japanese is so hard o(╥﹏╥)o I bought Rosetta Stone when it was on a Black Friday sale and I like it. You can buy it outright without a subscription which is nice. It helped me learn faster than duolingo, and when you buy the non subscription version, you get all the languages! It was kinda expensive, but maybe classes would also add up over time as well. I think I bought it for around $100, but it was a few years ago so I can’t remember. It has a lot of variety so you aren’t just doing flash cards. there’s some speaking portions, and conversations that you fill in the blanks too I think. I need to use it again, I never got very far because I just did it on my work breaks xD

MεΛ さんのコメント...

That's what I use: https://www.nhk.or.jp/lesson/en/
They are short & cute lessons as they provide a video in the beginning. I've got a notebook & I write down the japanese sentences & the english translation. As well as the rest of the verbs & break down whatever they provide in the lesson. It feels like someone is helping you learn ;v; It's something out of doing it completely by yourself without a guidance.