I have had a crazy couple of days. Just on blogging!
とても古い Ameba のブログに触発されて、ブログを自分の思い通りにしようと本当に努力してきました。でも、それがこんなに大変だったなんて信じられません。

I've been really trying to get my blog just the way I want it, inspired by a very old Ameba blog. And I can't believe how hard it was.

それとも、コンピューター言語にあまり詳しくないからでしょうか? 少しずつ自分の思い通りに調整しているので、コーディングはほぼ台無しです

Or maybe it's because I am not very knowledgable in computer languages? My coding is pretty much butchered since I just take bits and pieces to adjust what I want w
でも大丈夫です。やっとできたと思います! どう思いますか? 皆さんのところでは、うまくいっているといいのですが。

But it's okay. I think I finally got it! What do you think? Hopefully it looks nice on your end.

その他のニュースですが、Tank さんと私は、職場で取り組んでいる小さなプロジェクトのために Bullhead に行きました。 1 ドルショップで買った小さなドールハウスをデコレーションして、ハロウィンをテーマにした家にすることにしました! 久しぶりなので、クリエイティブにしようと少し忙しくしていました。

In other news, Tank and I went to Bullhead for a little project I have at work. It was decided that we would decorate little doll houses from the dollar store and turn them into themed Halloween houses! I've been a little crazy since it's been so long I tried to be creative.


We went to a lot of stores looking for things to help me out. But a lot of places are already putting Christmas!

We haven't even passed Halloween yet!

Well either way, we went to Hobby Lobby, JoAnns, Five Below and Target. I managed to find a few things. I know for the rest I'll have to shop online. I hope I can get things in time.

My husband and I did most of our damage at Five Below since they had makeup I needed and yummy snacks.

We took a quick dinner break at Wienerschnitzel where I had a yummy chili cheese fries burrito.

At Hobby Lobby, I ended up getting a bit more than I thought after I said I wouldn't go back to crafting. But they had the cutest dinosaur mold for resin! Maybe I'll make something soon.

But that's pretty much everything I got. Wish me luck on the rest!
5 件のコメント:
What a fun idea! Can't wait to see how the Halloween Houses turn out (´。• ᵕ •。`)
I will never not say how jealous I am of your Halloween selections!! I can't wait to see how your little house turns out~~
But Christmas already??? Skipping Halloween and Thanksgiving?? I feel like putting out Christmas too early just wears some people out once Christmas finally rolls around. The weather isn't even cold yet!
What makeup items did you get? I enjoyed Five Below when I was in the US :3
I went to Five Below two days ago and bought those same Pocky Sticks for my dorm! Are they good? I haven’t tried them yet.
That sounds like such a fun project! Can't wait to see the results!
@Teapearls Thank you! Hope it goes ok!
@Sparklewolfie It's ok - I can't get most of them cause they're so pricey now XD But thank you! Hoping it will be ok!
I think it's also because I didn't realize Hobby Lobby is a Christian store so I didn't think they wouldn't really have Halloween...but I guess I know better now ^^;
I got some eyeshadow, liner, blush, primer and concealer! Though I'm not too fond of the primer...it feels so dry on my skin...
@Natalie They're not that great sadly. The banana tastes soooooooooooooooo artificial. I wish it wasn't because banana is my favorite ;_;
@黒い Amiman Thank you! I hope it turns out like I envision ;^;