I think I realized something just recently...

In the last week or so, I made the attempt to post to my Insta stories of a couple of looks I did. I was hesitant already. And I can tell you I did not feel good after each post.

I stared at the numbers of the likes versus views. That was always something that I hated to watch. But I did it anyway and it made me feel horrible. I know I shouldn't compare myself to others but seeing what others get against what I get, social media really does hurt your confidence. At least for those that aren't popular. Like me.

It was nice to see a few responses from my friends saying that I looked good and those hoping I would go back to posting. And I'm very grateful.

But the feelings I got overall confirmed that I am not going back to posting on social media. I will continue to lurk and just post everything here on my blog.

My self confidence was already garbage. I don't want social media to make it even lower w

So here are a couple of looks I did recently that I loved.
Until next time! Later!
7 件のコメント:
Wow! Have never seen you with such eye make! The eye make & bangs combo are super cute. Loving the pic 2 look a lot!!!
I wish i could insert an image, because it would be the meme of the girl screaming and her forehead veins are visible as she points her finger. I'm screaming strictly out of love though! YOU ARE AMAZING AND SO BEAUTIFUL AND YOUR MAKEUP IS AH-MAZING! You hear me!? **biiig hug**
The makeup looks strong! And your hair looks lovely.
I agree that one should not post on social media if it makes you unhappy. I never view the statistics because I don't want to fall into the numbers game (plus I turned my main account to private anyway) or let that dictate my mood. Only do what makes you feel better about yourself!
@MεΛ Thank you so much! <3
@Sparklewolfie Thank you so much!!!! <3
Exactly! It's why I love my blog so much!
I agree with so many of the previous comments! But I'd also like to say that I very rarely "like" stuff on insta stories.. It's not something that I'm really used to, as opposed to "liking" stuff on the instagram feed itself!
Ugh, social media makes me feel the same way too. Even looking at my blog i see the amount of views and sometimes it gets to me D: I try to not be too dependent on social media, but it’s hard when you can’t get out much >.< I think a lot of people feel the same way and everyone is just so used to scrolling that they just end up staying on the apps.
I really like your makeup looks ^_^ I’m really into the bright white under eye highlight too!!
@Lizzie Bee Ohhh that makes sense. I tend to like more stories because my feed is always empty and more people I follow post on stories XD
@Rae Melody Yeah and that's what makes it more sucky to me. Like I want more from the internet not just social media. I miss the days of all the fun websites people made and the tons of blogs there used to be. I miss the old internet.
Thank you!