This week has been crazy.

Yesterday especially.
水曜日(休日の前日)に来なかった変な人や意地悪な人たちが、昨日来ることにしました。何が必要かわかっていない人もいました。不適切なことを言った男性がいたので、他の女の子の 1 人が代わりに出ました。また、新しいポリシーについてマネージャーに尋ねなければならなかったので、私が無能だと主張した別の人は本当に意地悪でした。

All the weird and mean people that didn't show up on Wednesday (day before the holiday) decided to show up yesterday. There were people that didn't know what they needed. There was one guy that said some inappropriate stuff so one of the other girls stepped in. And another got really mean because I had to ask my manager about a new policy and claimed I was incapable.
人を愛さなければなりません。人と顔を合わせずに、もっと舞台裏で仕事をしたいとさらに思いますが... まあいいでしょう。

Gotta' love people. Makes me wish even more I didn't have to face people and was more in the behind the scenes...but whatever.

At least I had an amazing yet simple lunch.
For some reason, this always makes me feel a little better.
一日が終わった後、タンクと私は食料品を買いに唯一のショッピング センターに行きました。でも、今回だけは、少し余分なものも買って帰りました。

After the day was done, Tank and I went to our only shopping center for groceries. But I also, for once, walked out with something a little extra.
ブログを書くために使っている超古いタブレットがあるのですが、超遅くて、ブログ全体を入力するには小さすぎることに気付き、不快です。特に、投稿にもっと GIF を入れたいと思っていました。だから、待って、支払いプランが使えるまともなラップトップを店で見つけました!

I have this super old tablet that I use to blog but it's super slow and I realize it's too tiny to type a full blog which makes it uncomfortable. Especially with me wanting to put more gifs in my posts. So I had waited and found a decent laptop at the store that I could do a payment plan on!
素敵じゃないですか? 私がやりたいことにぴったりです! ゲームには使っていません。ブログを書いたり、ウェブを閲覧したりするだけです。
Isn't it nice? It's perfect for what I want to do on it! I don't use it for gaming. Just blogging and going on the web.
Maybe this will help me blog more!
See you later!
4 件のコメント:
Aw I'm really sorry about that happened! People can be so hard and painful to deal with :( hope you're okay!!! Congrats on the notebook!
Yay for the new laptop! Boos and throws tomatoes at the rude customers >:(
Congrats on the new laptop!! Hopefully it makes blogging better for you~~
Sad to hear about the bad customers though. Some people just take their frustrations out on people they know cannot retaliate. Don't let them get to you!
@Amyh Swan Thank you ;_; I'm holdin' on but I think I'm already going to job hunt and hope there is something out there for me. I would like something with more steady hours...
@黒い Amiman Thank you XD
@Sparklewolfie Thank you! It definitely does! Like I just wanna write all day now XD Thank you. Yeah it's frustrating because I'm expected to act with grace but at least my manager will defend me when I need it. It's just so frustrating. They either come in mad or think because I'm the newest one that I can't do anything...