
日曜日, 7月 14, 2024



物事はゆっくりと(とても)確実に軌道に戻りました。逆行があったかどうかはわかりませんが、しばらくの間とてもイライラしました。家の中にこもって外に出たくないと思うほどでした。でも、Tankさんは絶対にそんなことを許してくれませんwLaughing and crying
Things have slowly (very) but surely gotten back on track. I don't know if we had a retrograde but it was so frustrating for a bit there. Almost to the point where I wanted to hide away in my house and never go out. Tank would never allow that though w

また、何週間も雨が降らないのも理由かもしれません。とんでもなく暑くて晴れた日々に、私は一度だけうんざりしています。正直なところ、近くにビーチやショッピング モールがないので、ここでは女性がやることがあまりありません。ニューヨークの絶えず変化する天気が恋しかったと認めるのは本当に驚きです。Sob
It could also be the fact that it hasn't wanted to rain in weeks. For once I'm tired of the ridiculously hot and sunny days. Because honestly without a beach or shopping mall nearby, there's not a lot for a gal to do here. I really am surprised to admit that I missed the constant changing weather that NY has.

But we did get a rainbow! ...for some reason.

とにかく...Blue BudgerigarYellow Budgerigar
Anyway. . .

素晴らしいニュースです。ラスベガスに H-Mart ができるんです!OK
Time for some awesome news. Vegas is getting an H-Mart!

Photo from Yelp

車で 2 時間かかりますが、少なくとも、私たちの近くに来る、私が恋しかったものがまた 1 つ増えることになります。言うまでもなく、おいしそうな店がたくさんあるフードコートのようなものもできるようです。本当に待ちきれません!チョキ
It's a 2 hour drive for us but at least it will be another thing that I have missed that will be coming somewhere near us. Not to mention it looks like they're going to have some sort of food court with tons of yummy sounding places. I really can't wait!

The only thing is they haven't said the exact date of when it will open. I have seen posts saying sometime during the fall or the beginning of next year. It would be nice to have it in time for Halloween so I can try to get some of the fun things the stores normally have!

最近、お気に入りの家庭料理の 1 つである麻婆豆腐を作ることができました!ラーメン
Recently, I got to make one of my favorite comfort dishes - Mapo Tofu!

ソースをもう 1 箱買えばよかったのですが、それ以外はかなり美味しくて、心が落ち着きました。Tankさんはそれほど気に入っていませんでした。彼は豆腐があまり好きではないのです。まあ、少なくとも私にはもっと食べられましたwDisposable chopsticks
I do wish I bought a second box of the sauce but otherwise it came out pretty good and comforting. Tank did not enjoy it as much though. He's not a huge fan of tofu. Oh well, at least there was more for me w

So what kind of weather do you have in your area? Hopefully it's not as hot and miserable as we have it.

4 件のコメント:

Sparklewolfie さんのコメント...

I love mapo tofu!!!
Nice that you have some more interesting places opening up :) 2 hours sounds like a very long travel distance to me! Hope you get to enjoy the mall when it opens (hopefully before Halloween! I love Halloween stuff in the USA!)

黒い Amiman さんのコメント...

It's been raining like CRAZY here! Flooding in some areas and super hot whenever it's not raining lol The heat index hasn't left the triple digits. I think I'm going to cry lolll But omg an H-mart that's awesome!!! I wish we could get one! We have a Hong Kong food market tho
ʅ ( ․ ⤙ ․) ʃ

キーリん♡ さんのコメント...

@Sparklewolfie Do you make yours a certain way? Or is it pretty much the same?
Yeah but luckily my husband is always up for traveling and adventures XD

@黒い Amiman Oh god I'm so sorry!!! It must feel so gross Dx
You never know! Hmart looks like it's expanding so I'm hoping you get one!

Sparklewolfie さんのコメント...

I make it up every time I make mapo tofu hahahaha so it's never quite the same twice!

Nice that you have your hubby to go or adventures with ~