土曜日, 7月 27, 2024


July is almost over already!

Just one more month and we'll be in the "ber" season with October not that far away! I'm super excited. I can't wait for Halloween.

日曜日, 7月 21, 2024

土曜日, 7月 20, 2024


Best update!

今日やっと髪を整えました!カラーリングがすごく必要でした。根元がすでに長かったんです!Hair Salon
I finally got my hair done today! I needed to color it so bad. My roots were already so long!

We did color touchup and more highlights. I also decided to go for a different style. (As usual w)

髪が長くなるまでのインスピレーションはこちらです!Love love
Here is the inspiration until my hair gets longer!

Because of the length, it doesn't really look the same but once my hair grows, that will change!

What do you think? 

It always feels so great to get pampered. In total it took about 2 hours for everything but I love it. With my outfit, it really feels like surf style!

日曜日, 7月 07, 2024


質問と回答 vol 1グラサン
Questions & answers vol 1

Favorite food?

Salisbury Steak! And if we're talking junk food, I would say NY Pizza lol

Favorite drink?

ノンアルコールならマウンテンデュー バハ ブラスト。アルコールならメロン ソジュ。トロピカルカクテル
Non-alcoholic would be Mountain Dew Baja Blast. Alcoholic would be Melon Soju.

好きなフローズン デザートは?カップケーキ
Favorite frozen dessert?

アイスクリーム ケーキは間違いないです!でも、カーベルのこのケーキは、アイスクリームが上層、真ん中にクランチ、下層にケーキが入った完璧な組み合わせです。とても美味しいですよ!ショートケーキ
Ice cream cake for sure! But the perfect combo of that is this one from Carvel where it has ice cream as the top layer, crunchies in the middle and cake on the bottom. It's so good!

現金が 15 ドルあったら、食料品店で何を買いますか?お札
What would you grab from the grocery store if you had 15 dollars in cash?

もっと手頃だったら?w たぶん、パン、牛乳、ラーメン、コーヒー、水、チョコレートかな。クッキーのプレゼント
If things were more affordable? lol Probably bread, milk, ramen, some kind of coffee, water and chocolate.

Do you have a driver's license?

はい!実はもうすぐ 1 年になります!てへぺろ
Yes! It's about to be a year actually! 

How long does it take you in the morning to get ready for school/work?

もう学校に行っていませんが、行ってた時は 30 分くらいしかかかりませんでした。当時は化粧もせず、ギャルっぽい格好もしていなかった。起きて着替えて食事をするくらいの時間で十分。たいていは夜にシャワーを浴びる。ニヤニヤ
I don't go to school anymore but when I did, it only took me maybe half hour? Back then I didn't really wear makeup and didn't wear Gyaru outside. Just enough time to wake up, get dressed and eat. I usually shower in the evening.

Do you do any exercise?

Yes and no. Every Saturday my husband and I try to go play tennis or basketball. And now I'm starting to get back into quick daily exercises to get back to my ideal weight. 

If you could choose, would you spend the weekend with your boyfriend or go out with your friends?

友達がいた時も彼氏はいなかった。今は夫がいるけど友達はいない(笑) 選ぶのに苦労したことはなかった。グラサンハート
Even when I had friends, I didn't have a boyfriend. And now I have a husband but no friends lol It was never hard for me to choose.

Are you dating?

I'm happily married!

How do you know your best friend(s)?

My husband is my best friend. We met through a friend on an MMO we all played. We really got to know each other since we used to log on for long periods of time. It just worked out!

What are you like as a friend?

Friends that I had in the past always told me I was kind and fun to hang out with. 

What is your character like?

I can be nice, friendly, temperamental, positive for others, loud and protective.

Do you have facebook, irc gallery or myspace?

None of these! And I'm barely on Insta lol

Do you get angry easily and what are you like when you're angry?

I think I get more frustrated than angry easily. I keep quiet and just work out my thoughts in my head until someone snaps me out of it lol usually the husband. 

What kind of music do you listen to?

I have a really broad taste in music, because I listen to music according to my mood, not based on genre.

What annoys you?

People being fake, lying to me, not being able to do a lot of things either due to money or job related and when I drive and people take advantage of their bigger trucks to speed around me or cut me off.

Do you go out often?

Nowadays, unfortunately, not really. I would love to!

The most romantic thing that's happened to you?

The very first time when I visited my now husband, we were on the phone at the airport he was picking me up at. I finally found him and literally ran straight to him and he picked me up in a twirling hug. It was the most magical moment ever.