Last weekend I actually had a mini vacation.
Monday was a holiday and I took off on Tuesday as well. It was mostly quiet but still went way too fast.

On Saturday, Tank and I went to play basketball. I've been liking it a little bit more since he's also teaching me how to throw properly. Maybe today we can do tennis...
火曜日まで、他の日は特に何もしませんでした。(タンクは毎日働いていたので、私は一人でブリジャートンを観ていました。) 彼の「週末」は火曜日と水曜日だったので、ラスベガスに行くことにしました。
We didn't really do anything on the other days until Tuesday. (Tank worked all of his days so I spent a lot of time watching Bridgerton by myself.) His "weekend" is Tuesday and Wednesday so we decided to go to Las Vegas.
I didn't really dress up and did more of a Amekaji/surf style.
We finally found one of my most favorite bakeries from when I lived in NY.
Tous les Jours!
This one was huge and had a large dining area and bigger counter with cakes! I wish I could have taken pictures inside but there were too many people.
I got so many baked goodies.
We went to a bunch of comic book stores so that I could hope to find the Utena manga box but no luck. I should have gotten it when I saw it months ago.
Tank found a lot of goodies for himself though!
For lunch we found this place called Buldogis. It's a Korean fusion style street food place with lots of delicious options! They're mostly hot dogs with special toppings but they do have mac and cheese quesadilla and bibimbap bowl which we ordered. Tank also got the Banh Mi hot dog which was really good!
After, we went to a game and hobby store where I found the cutest Stitch bag. I wanted it so bad!
Finally we went to our favorite supermarket and bought a bunch of goodies. I even found some meats to do our own little KBBQ. Hope it turns out good!
On the way home we stopped by a lookout near the dam. It was so windy but the view was gorgeous!
夫と過ごした長いけれど楽しい一日でした。 (いつものように) 家に帰ったのは 7 時過ぎでした。でも、これが私たちの買い物の一部です! パン屋さんのものは冷蔵庫に入れなければならなかったので入れていません。
It was a long but fun day with my husband. (As always) We didn't get home till after 7. But here is some of our haul! I didn't include the bakery stuff since they had to go into the refrigerator.
And here is a lot of what Tank got!
I hope that we'll be able to go to different places this year.
4 件のコメント:
Sounds like a lovely vacation!
The Stitch bag is so cute!! I love Halloween aesthetics 😻
Your outfit is colorful; love it!
Thanks for sharing your vacation photos!
It sounds like it was a great time!! Your outfit is so cute, perfect for the summer! I always feel like wearing more casual stuff when it gets hot too
@Sparklewolfie: Thank you for always reading! It really was fun!
@Rae Melody: Thank you so much! Yeah for some reason I love surf especially when it's ridic temps lmao
That food looks SO SO good!! I looked up Buldogis and Tous les Jours and none in my state waahhhhh (; A ;) They have a few of that bakery brand in Texas though . . . tempting but that's a far drive lol