土曜日, 6月 29, 2024

☆ G E T S ☆

Finally! After so long of not being able to shop, I was able to snag some goodies. 

I'm a little sad that it wasn't as many clothing items as I wanted, but the items I did get are very cute! Plus I finally got one of those fuwa fuwa type of tops from DIA. I can't wait to make a coord with it!

雑誌もいくつか手に入れました。巨大なマンバセクションの1つの号が基本的にこの注文のポイントでしたが w、雑誌だけを買いたくありませんでした。dress
I also got some magazines. The one issue with the huge manba section was basically the point of this order lol but I didn't want to just get magazines. 

Some of these magazines are dupes so I'll be selling some of these. (So look out for that!)

There are also cute earrings and bottom lashes but I forgot to take a picture of those lol

次に買い物ができるときはもっと運がいいといいのですが。Fluffy balloon star​​​​​​​
I hope I'll have better luck next time I'm able to do some shopping.

日曜日, 6月 23, 2024


新しい(古い)チャレンジを携えて戻ってきました!これは誰かが自分のブログに投稿した古い LJ のプロンプトだったようです...
I'm back with a new (old) challenge! Looks like this one was an old LJ prompt that someone posted on their own personal blog instead...

What am I like?

1. 旅行中:


1. when traveling:

If it's a long travel, I do end up a little anxious. I can't sit still very long because I'm excited to go somewhere and can't wait to see everything. (I get bad wanderlust.) But when we arrive, I want to walk as far as my legs can go. I try not to buy everything so I don't go broke before the trip is over, even if it's a day trip.

2. 家にいるとき:


2. at home:

Lazy. Especially after a full work week. Unless I get to go somewhere with my husband, I really don't go out. (I don't have any friends here and I refuse to go out by myself after I did it for so long in NY.) I would love to go out more but there really isn't anything local to want to go to.

3. 恋愛中:


3. in love:

I spoil my husband. At least when I can. I love to buy him things he likes, make him his favorite food and snacks and just spend lots of time with him. I try not to be all over him too much since it can be smothering after a point lol

4. ロマンチストとして:


4. as a romantic:

Luckily for me, my husband is also a bit of a romantic. We try to make dates as often as we can and he gives me the time to dress up as much as I want. He has never really tried to rush me. Then again, I also have gotten a lot faster with getting ready to not be one of those girls that has the guy waiting for 3+ hours lol

5. 最悪のとき:


5. at your worst:

I am not that kind to myself. I don't express it openly anymore to anyone. But there are def dark days.

6. 良心が痛むとき:


6. when you have a bad conscience:

Eh. Never really had one. 

7. 情熱的に:



7. passionately:

I used to feel very passionate about crafting and art... 

I still am passionate with gyaru. It is who I am.

土曜日, 6月 22, 2024



つい最近、『モンスターハンター ストーリーズ』がようやく最新のシステム向けに再リリースされました。夫は私たちに 2 枚のカードを買って、Switch ストアで購入させてくれました。デレデレ
Just a little bit ago, Monster Hunter Stories was finally rereleased for most modern systems. My husband was sweet enough to get us both cards to buy them from the Switch store. 

I guess they only have the dual pack for the first and second games in the physical version but I didn’t want to get the sequel again. Just getting the first game for each of us cost as much as one dual copy! I think it’s better this way. 

I’m so happy I get another chance to play it since I never did finish it when it originally came out.

But we started playing and I can’t wait till we can battle together! Plus they have monsties that weren’t in the original international release! 

モンスターハンターといえば、TEE TURTLEに超かわいいリバーシブルぬいぐるみとシャツのデザインがあるのを見ました!これは私たちが今までで最もお揃いのカップル衣装に近づくでしょうw
Speaking of monster hunter, I saw there were super cute reversible plushies and shirt designs on TEE TURTLE! This will be the closest we will ever go to matched couple outfits w

Until next time!

土曜日, 6月 08, 2024

☆S N S☆

CARA という新しいインスタ風プラットフォームが出たと聞きました。ひらめき
So I heard that there is a new Insta-like platform called CARA out. 

It’s supposed to be a social media and portfolio place “for artists by artists”. I’m wondering what kind of accounts they allow on there. I’m trying so hard to find a better platform because I have left just about everything due to whatever stupid decisions the companies have made. 

でも、ソーシャルメディアを続ける価値があるのか​​どうかも気になります。Sweaty rabbit
But I’m also wondering if it’s worth it even to continue with social media. 

So far I have found some peace just existing on this blog. I can post whatever I want and not worry about stupid likes and shares. I just write to get things out there. It’s always felt better to write than try to take photos anyway. 

今、ソーシャルメディアについてどう思いますか?どのプラットフォーム(もしあれば)が好きですか?Question mark
What are your thoughts on social media right now? What platforms (if any) do you prefer?

土曜日, 6月 01, 2024



Last weekend I actually had a mini vacation.


Monday was a holiday and I took off on Tuesday as well. It was mostly quiet but still went way too fast.