うちのウォルマートに、ついにミラキュラスレディバグのアイテムがもっと入荷しました! タンクは、ダブり物に当たらない魔法の幸運に恵まれているので、1つずつ選ばせました!
Our Walmart finally has more Miraculous Ladybug items! I let Tank pick out each one since he has this magical luck of never getting dupes?!


I also started working on a Diamond art piece. (Just because it was Snoopy heee) It’s not done yet but this is what it will look like!
The girls at work also got me to start watching Bridgerton on Netflix.
I am trying to fill up my time with other things so I don’t just try to browse on Insta…
最近、AIがインスタなどのプラットフォームにもっと関与しているというニュースを聞いて、自分の写真をすべて永久に削除しました。 子犬のアカウントもです。 申し訳ないですが、これ以上私の情報を奪われないようにします。
With the recent news about ai being more involved with more platforms like Insta, I deleted all of my photos permanently. Even on my puppy’s account. I’m sorry I will not be allowing this to take any more of my information.
もともとインスタはあまり使っていませんでしたが、これで完全にやめてしまうかもしれません。 インスタが好きな人はたくさんいるのは知っていますが、人間らしさが残っているものをすべて奪っているような気がします。
I wasn’t really using Insta anyway but now it might get me to leave it altogether. I know there are lots of people that love it but it just feels like it’s taking whatever we have left of humanity away.
Blogging really is the only thing I have left.
1 件のコメント:
Ahh the ladybug figures are so cute!!I need to watch it again. The whole ai thing on instagram freaks me out too. That app already gets in my head too much anyways but it’s the way I message a few of my friends so it’s hard to delete. Sometimes I think I wanna have a public account again, but people online are so terrible sometimes so I stick to blogging too. It’s nice to have a place I can see what my friends have to say away from the online culture. You should post puppy photos here if you feel up to it, I love seeing pet photos ≧◡≦