
I really want to thank everyone for all of the comments on my last few posts. Even though there are difficult days I am glad to be able to find kindness in people.

In other news, I finally had to get a new phone.

I dropped my old one in the toilet.

We don’t know if it was actually going bad after that but I was afraid of the notification to “override the settings” when I tried to charge it. Apparently it has the ability to sense there is water and let you know about the ability to charge? This is the first time that happened so I didn’t know it had that.
とりあえず、iPhone 15のイエローを購入しました。水曜日に入手したばかりで、仕事後にすぐにウォルマートに行き、ケース、スクリーンプロテクター、ケーブルを購入しました。

Anyway, I got the iPhone 15 in yellow. I just got it Wednesday and immediately went to Walmart after work to get a case, screen protector and cables.

It’s pretty cute and I’m getting used to the much bigger size. My old phone was so small!

By itself it’s not that yellow but in my case it looks more like vintage filter? I don’t know but I know I didn’t want regular white or black or even the pink. Yellow has been a favorite color for a long while now.

Until next time.