月曜日, 9月 02, 2024

日曜日, 9月 01, 2024


I want to learn Japanese!

It's been so difficult and I don't know what to do.

学校で習えばよかった。 アプリ、本、動画を試しました。
Wish I took it in school. I tried apps, books and videos.

Think I really need a teacher.

Is there one that someone can recommend?

I'm doing little things to try to learn better.

Like making this blog more like a Japanese one.

もっと練習するために、Ameba に戻ろうかとも考えています。
I'm also thinking about going back to Ameba for more practice.

でも、2 つのブログを管理するのはとても大変です。
It's so hard to manage two blogs though.

Anyone have suggestions?

土曜日, 8月 31, 2024


Trying another fun meme I found on yet another old blog w

日曜日, 8月 25, 2024

土曜日, 8月 24, 2024


So I just started this series and had to share my thoughts.

日曜日, 8月 18, 2024

日曜日, 8月 11, 2024

土曜日, 8月 10, 2024


Mail is here!

I had been feeling a bit run down due to a few issues so it was time to do some retail therapy w

日曜日, 8月 04, 2024


Our date last night was so fun!

We ended up going for the 5.30p showing but it gave us enough time to pick up some Chinese food for dinner. It was so yummy I forgot to take a picture of it! Maybe if we're able to go again soon, I can try to get pictures w

It didn't take us very long to get to the theater. The longest part was waiting to get popcorn and drinks. But thankfully previews are always very long. So we didn't miss one second of it!

I have to say I didn't know what to expect from this movie but I really enjoyed it. It had a lot more emotions than I thought it would. I laughed so much and even got teary-eyed at some points. I actually hope they will make another one.

Have you seen the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie?

土曜日, 8月 03, 2024


I'll have a little more to report on today. So many thoughts and feelings experienced in just a short time!

土曜日, 7月 27, 2024


July is almost over already!

Just one more month and we'll be in the "ber" season with October not that far away! I'm super excited. I can't wait for Halloween.

日曜日, 7月 21, 2024

土曜日, 7月 20, 2024


Best update!

今日やっと髪を整えました!カラーリングがすごく必要でした。根元がすでに長かったんです!Hair Salon
I finally got my hair done today! I needed to color it so bad. My roots were already so long!

We did color touchup and more highlights. I also decided to go for a different style. (As usual w)

髪が長くなるまでのインスピレーションはこちらです!Love love
Here is the inspiration until my hair gets longer!

Because of the length, it doesn't really look the same but once my hair grows, that will change!

What do you think? 

It always feels so great to get pampered. In total it took about 2 hours for everything but I love it. With my outfit, it really feels like surf style!