
土曜日, 11月 04, 2023

(♪)//330 はじめまして!...again on ameba⌒☆+゚

I will try this again!ニコニコ
I also hope to work on my Japanese.grin日本語も頑張りたいです。

Anyway. . .

I got a new flip phone!laugh and cry

3 件のコメント:

MεΛ さんのコメント...

Yeees! <3 that's a great way to practice your japanese as well, writing stuff in japanese <3 頑張って! <3

Teapearls さんのコメント...

What a wonderful way to practice Japanese! By the way, can your flip phone be used regularly? I've been wanting to switch from a smartphone back to a classic flip phone. Many thanks in advance!

キーリん♡ さんのコメント...

@MεΛ Thank you so much!!!!

@Teapearls I can't use it to make calls but I can do a lot of things online as long as I have wifi and I can get some older apps. Because these use super old google os, you can't really do much else. I do think docomo still makes flip phones but I don't know how to get them.