
木曜日, 8月 31, 2023

(♪)//314 ANOTHER MEME⌒☆+゚

One of the worst weeks so far. . . But I'm not going to bother you guys with that. Instead, I'm going to make a post to divert myself. So here goes.

Back with yet another old gal meme that I found buried in all of the abandoned blogs I've been reading. This one was done by Juicy Blog, Universal Doll and Something Borrowed Something New. I wish I could find who actually made it but at least the first two blogs are offline.

Note: This is a meme from around 2010 so some things might not be applicable/be a thing anymore.

1. Describe your style as a gal.

Oldschool all the way. I think a lot of the new gals are cute but I am def stuck in the 90s/pre-2010 era of gal. I don't really have one substyle I'll stick with so you'll see me wear surf, manba, tsuyome, etc.

2. Which models inspire you to get dressed?

Aina, Kanako and Kaa-tan to name a few. Each one had a unique style so they inspire which substyle I'll wear that day or week or whatever.

3. What are the brands are you wearing lately?

Cecil, BMB and AB are ones that I'm using a lot these days.

4. What was your first thing from 109 (or similar)?

Sadly when I was able to start buying brand, most of them were already out of 109. I also have never been to Japan. All of my items are secondhand from online. But if I did need to name a brand that at least used to be in 109, it would be D.I.A.

5. What compliment about your wardrobe do you like best?

Many people have told me they like specific items and accessories I had on. They're all random but it was nice to hear from others that they liked something. I feel everyone is so bent on either being boring/safe/simple or trying to look like an influencer that it's not who they want to be.

6. What do you wear most often?

Since I've lost a bit of weight, I've been wearing a lot more skirts and dresses. I actually feel a lot better in them now. Plus it's been disgustingly hot.

7. I like getting …?

Rare items. I don't know if it's because I'm a gamer but there's something about hunting down things you don't see all the time. Especially when it comes to oldschool pieces.

8. In that you look first when you see a gal?

Definitely the hair and the eye makeup.

9. What gal rules have you broken?

In the old days of gal, there were definite rules/guidelines. I don't know where they stand now since so many people just want to do their own thing and call it gal. But I cannot wear lenses. Back when gal was becoming popular overseas, we 外人 made it a thing that we needed specific things and that included the large lenses. Even more so if you didn't use bottom lashes. 

10. What would you never wear?

As much as I love it, I know I could never wear Hime. It's very expensive and involves a lot of dedication. Plus there is a lot of layering and it is just too hot in AZ for it.

11. What do you think is essential for a good look?

Having a good base for each style. You have to understand how the style is constructed and what you need for it to read as that style. As an example: You can't wear just an e-girl outfit and call it rokku. It is based off of someone being in the rock music scene. There's a lot to the look.

12. How do you feel when viewed as a gyaru?

It feels good when I do get recognized as a gal. But I'm not looking for any validation. Even if I never got called one, I know I am one.

13. You have many friends that are gals?

I have a few but unfortunately they are online.

14. What is the next thing you plan to buy desperately need?

If I can, it will def be some old platform sandals. I just have no luck when it comes to the shoes. Maybe one day my luck will change and I can afford it w

15. What’s your favorite accessory?

Hair clips. I love fruits, flowers, stars, just about anything. I would love to get chunky bracelets though!

16. Sexy, monotone or elegant?

I am def more into sexy these days. You will never see me be monotone w

17. Would you wear clothes that aren’t in fashion?

I'm an oldschool gal. The items haven't been "in fashion" for a very long time.

18. What is your current obsession?

Bright and colorful clothing. Still looking for a lot of older brands.

19. Do you like to spread gal fashion? How do you do it?

I would say I like to spread gal fashion. I'm living in a town where half the fashion is for cowboys or wannabe band members w I don't think anyone recognizes or knows what gal is but it's fun when a person at least makes an attempt to say something nice about my stuff. So I do most of spreading awareness through my blog.

20. What advice would you give to someone starting out?

Do plenty of research. Learn and understand the basics and history of gal. Practice what you see. There are so many available tutorials online. Don't be afraid of criticism, sometimes it'll help you in things you struggle with. Not everyone is trying to be a bully and it can be an eye opener. Because I know personally, since I didn't get any concrit on my journey unless I asked for it, that I prob went on longer doing some things badly than I would have had I gotten help. 

2 件のコメント:

Sparklewolfie さんのコメント...

Oh this is an old tag!! It's nice to see it again. Keep doing what you love~

黒い Amiman さんのコメント...

lolol to you saying you'd never be seen in monotone style xD love you~ It's true though. Though you do wear bright colors, even your demeanor / personality is bright! I liked reading this!
- Amiman♥