I feel like it's a job in itself. . . except I don't get paid to do it w
Anyway, I'm going to start responding to comments again. It's just with the heavier posts, I literally dump all of my feelings on here and just let it go. But then I get into a slump of not answering and that's bad as a blogger w
Hubs' schedule is officially changed now. Luckily it's the earlier shift like we wanted but we technically won't have any days off together. He will still take me to work on the two days he has off (at least till I get this damn license) but our days off won't match. Which is fine. He will hopefully be happier with this work change.
I've been looking around on youtube to see if I can find any videos I would be interested in. Especially seeing as how I'm really not on any social media anymore. I found this mixed playlist of different videos which are related to gal. I guess some users found a way to save some of the very old Angeleek stuff. Which I always find very cool. They're all bits of history of how the oldest of gals lived day to day. I just wish there was more of it.
So I'll end with that.
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