水曜日, 7月 26, 2023
月曜日, 7月 24, 2023
(♪)//304 今日⌒☆+゚
I found these amazing muffins at Walmart the other day.
I don't think I ever saw them before. Usually, it's a pain to find anything banana flavor and they were just sitting on the marked down cart. I only grabbed one since money is tight right now. But it was so worth it! I hope I'll find them again.

Sorry it's a little red Dx I need to adjust the camera settings. . . |

木曜日, 7月 20, 2023
日曜日, 7月 16, 2023
(♪)//302 NEW GETS⌒☆+゚
Yesterday was Hubs' final day in his previous position. So we had to make a quick trip to the store to get some things he needed for his upcoming work days. Of course I took the opportunity to dress up cute.
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I need to mess with the settings more for selfies w |
It was super hot (110!) so the less I could put on the better w
After we got everything we needed, I knew I had to replace some of my makeup products. I was running out of mascara, primer AND setting sprays. But I also threw out my colourpop liners. As much as I love the brand, I feel the quality took a huge dive recently.
The Winx palette is still going strong but I don't think I will be buying much of their stuff anymore. As a gal of any substyle, the liners just aren't where we need them to be.
But! Luckily I found a brand I never thought I would find in Walmart! Everyone knows Revolution with all the fun palettes and super cute packaging. But apparently they're selling a sub brand in Walmart called Relove by Revolution.
It feels like their goal is to be more available and affordable. But I've seen a lot of brands going to Walmart these days. Brands I thought I would never see. And at a much cheaper price w
Either way, I got a few things I needed and I can't wait to start using them! Now I won't have to try to get to a Ulta w
金曜日, 7月 14, 2023
(♪)//301 YOUTUBE⌒☆+゚

I feel like it's a job in itself. . . except I don't get paid to do it w
Anyway, I'm going to start responding to comments again. It's just with the heavier posts, I literally dump all of my feelings on here and just let it go. But then I get into a slump of not answering and that's bad as a blogger w
Hubs' schedule is officially changed now. Luckily it's the earlier shift like we wanted but we technically won't have any days off together. He will still take me to work on the two days he has off (at least till I get this damn license) but our days off won't match. Which is fine. He will hopefully be happier with this work change.
I've been looking around on youtube to see if I can find any videos I would be interested in. Especially seeing as how I'm really not on any social media anymore. I found this mixed playlist of different videos which are related to gal. I guess some users found a way to save some of the very old Angeleek stuff. Which I always find very cool. They're all bits of history of how the oldest of gals lived day to day. I just wish there was more of it.
So I'll end with that.
木曜日, 7月 13, 2023
(♪)//300 FINALLY A DAY OFF⌒☆+゚
Not that it makes much of a difference since I only work a couple of hours each day w
But it's nice to take a break from waking up before the sun comes up at least for one day. I just have to work Saturday and then back to my regular days. I'm kind of not looking forward to next week because Hubs' work schedule will also be changing. I just don't know how much. Hopefully we'll know soon.
Here's a quick co*de from today after I got out of work.
I've also been practicing my inner eyeliner more with techniques I learned about.
It's still not the strong curve I want but I hope I'm improving.
水曜日, 7月 12, 2023
I'm going to try to change the direction of my posts.
At least temporarily. There's a few things happening out of my control. So I'm going to try to keep myself as distracted as possible with random things. Like posting a couple of pics!
I haven't been using Insta much these days. The app is pretty much dead for me. (I feel like a broken record at this point w) Unfortunately, it was my last social media that I was trying to keep a hold on. But what's the point of holding onto something that you don't even enjoy?
I love the old and messy imperfect puri pics of the old gals. It wasn't about searching for the perfect everything. It was about what the photo's topic was. Insta is too much into being about everything being absolutely perfect and absolutely fake. So I'm going to live like it's 2000 with my oldschool style, photos and blog.
Anyway, I started reading a lot of old blogs again and that gave me the blogging bug again. I'll try my best to be better about blogging especially now that due to issues with work I have. . . a bit more time on my hands.
月曜日, 7月 10, 2023
土曜日, 7月 08, 2023
(♪)//297 (。•́︿•̀。)⌒☆+゚
Yesterday was really bad.
Tonight we're going out for a bday dinner.
Hopefully, it will raise my spirits.
So. . .
please tell me good things that happened to you lately.