I feel like I've been at a standstill. Don't know specifically for gal or life in general. . .
And I know it's def one of the reasons why I haven't blogged as often as I should. Like I just don't want to do anything anymore. I'll do my make and dress up and want to share it online but the sharing part is like what's the point?
It's a really frustrating feeling because the want is there but the action is lacking.
Maybe it's the bunch of negative incidents finally catching up with me? Maybe I just need to get out more? I've been finally thinking about getting my license so I can go out more on my days off. Being stuck around the house can get you down especially when you have no real human interaction. Like I've been seriously binging Once Upon A Time for a couple of weeks now. I miss hubs when he goes to work and I don't really have friends here. At least none that I'll say "hey let's go somewhere!". I also can't cling to people either so. . .
Anyway, maybe you guys can help me and suggest some things to do for my blog and insta? I'm always willing to try new things especially if they end up being fun. Let me know in the comments!