For some reason, life seems a bit harder these days.
There's nothing wrong with my home, family and relationship (thankfully)! But financially it seems terrible?! Back in NY I had to pay way more for things and for a lot more like transportation and rent.
Here, it's a lot less but I'm also making a lot less. And my family does help me out A LOT!
Unfortunately, I'm still recovering from expenses that we needed and also the move itself. I even tried to get some help from banks and stuff like that but I guess I don't make enough. It's stupidly frustrating and I tend to freak out a little. I've got all the support I need and I'm grateful for it but I wouldn't want anyone else to take on this burden.

Anyway, I just needed to get some stuff off my chest.
Please tell me in the comments some good things that happened to you recently!
2 件のコメント:
Hope things look up for you soon! It's great to have support during these times.
Good stuff that happened to me.... recently I went out for sushi lunch with a friend, and created a new outfit for my 3d avatar that finally worked~
@Sparklewolfie thank you 😊
Omg that’s awesome! I hope you had lots of fun with both!💕