
金曜日, 4月 14, 2023

(♪)//285 A MOMENT⌒☆+゚

Today, I'm taking a break from my regular posting to just vent some feelings. It's nothing serious but I just get tired of seeing some things and need to get it off my chest. So please, no hard feelings.

I always find it funny when we 外人 feel the need to put rules in stone for a thing we did not create. Gyaru was made by Japanese people. The OG gals had their own rules and way of doing things and a lot of it was lost or does not apply to us. Especially in more modern times.

But it always blows my mind when I see things like. . .

"You NEED eyedroop."

"You NEED lenses."

"You NEED super bold nose stripe."

. . .and the list can go on.

I just want to say, as a longtime vet gal (whether you've seen me before or not), that not all of these things are as necessary as you think. Not all styles require a droop, lenses or strong nose stripe.

Knocking out the one that's most closest to me first about needing lenses. Honestly, it does up your make and makes your eyes way bigger. But it's not needed. Myself, Lizzie and a few other gals do not use them for a number of reasons. Personally, I choose not to. I am not comfortable with putting things in my eye and lashes are the closest I will get.

The gal on the right is not using lenses!

Also making a note here that lashes are not always necessary and it really depends on what substyle you're doing. As an oldschool gal, they were very optional so long as you did up everything else and packed on a ton of mascara. The point was about the tan, colored hair and making your tan stand out by doing make that was different.

And before you say "I don't include oldschool/beginning of gal when talking about this stuff" - the original gals are just as important and a part of gal as the later flashy ones. They still did hair color, makeup and wore wild and fun things. They are the ones that started it all and it just evolved.

Next - droop. It is not for every single style out there. Especially the exaggerated style. The original purpose was to enlarge your eyes and you mainly saw it for styles like banba, tsuyome and the like. I personally would not do one that's super exaggerated (if at all) for styles like old amekaji/surf or onee. But that's just me. IMO, if you're going to do a droop, the amount has to work with your face AND the style you're doing. 

This gal's eyes are almond shape!

Nose stripes are almost always present. But not always strong. For example - himekaji is very soft and delicate. Manba is very strong. My nose stripe should be subtle for the former and bolder for the latter. 

I am not claiming to be a master of gal or anything like that. But it's just crazy that there is so much misinformation nowadays or personal statements that others want to throw on others and I just had to say something about it. Take this post with a grain of salt because I'm just seeing things as an outsider. I am not a part of the gal community nor do I want to be. I'm just a solo gal doing my own thing. I just want to see gals enjoy being gal while actually looking gal. Because one thing for sure that you need for gal is the whole package of hair, make and clothing. But I'll expand on that another time.

3 件のコメント:

Sparklewolfie さんのコメント...

A very good post in my opinion! It sounds like some people who have only seen the more extreme styles are trying to make them into rules when the whole genre of gyaru covers more than that.

MεΛ さんのコメント...

I sooo wanted to come back to comment on this post. If I came across you in the street, I'd 100% approach you because you look like the gals of that time period you post about. I like seeing you living in this world of that gal era & you keep it alive. So don't tire yourself out, believe in you & your vision.

黒い Amiman さんのコメント...

I applaud you for this post 👏 I always feel like I'm walking on eggshells if I want to post something like this. Or if I want to defend certain choices I make for my makeup. Keep doing you girlfriend!
- Amiman♥