It was like they were here for a sec
. . .and just died off.
Blogging is my favorite and best outlet because it's my own space to post anything, writing and photos, without worrying about stupid algorhythm numbers. I don't have anyone else to compete with on a platform. I can just be entirely me. PLUS I can have themes. That's something I miss about the internet. Completely customizable spaces!
But anyway. . . while it does feel lonely out here, I'm going to keep blogging. Writing is good therapy for me and even if the post is short, I love blogging. Comment your thoughts on this and let's talk about it!
5 件のコメント:
I agree with you 100%. I'd always find my peace being on blogger & reading blogs as well. What's better than decorating your page the way you want it? Nothing better. Also, you can get more creative, nothing beats that. Keep uploading, after all, it's also like your online diary. Blogging is the best!
I agree with you too!! I really enjoy reading blogs. Most of the blogs I follow are cooking/food blogs, but I really wish for more fashion blogs!
Keep doing your thing :) I am glad to be able to read your blog!
@MεΛ @Sparklewolfie Right?! Blogs are amazing! Thank you both!♥
I need to blog more often ... I think it would make the English graduate in me happier (i've completely abandoned writing lol) Blogging should bring me more joy, lately I keep telling myself "oh i need to blog. ah I'll get to it eventually". Like it keeps being put on the backburner. But I agree, having this space is nice. It's therapeutic to just say what's on your mind. I miss customizable sites like myspace too!! Sigh I wish that never went away.
- Amiman♥
@黒い Amiman Yesssss you need to blog more! I miss you!!!! Even if you do super simple mobile uploads where it's just a pic or a line of words, it's totally fine! I do it sometimes too!!!!