
木曜日, 2月 02, 2023

(♪)//259 悲しみ⌒☆+゚

This is going to be a non-regular post. Just going to vent all of my thoughts and feelings. So if you're not here for that, feel free to skip this one. I should have a better post tomorrow!

It's about that time again. 

I don't know if it's due to pms or seasonal depression or I'm just tired. But every once in a while I just fall into a funk and don't have the gusto I used to have for social media. Becoming one with oldschool resparked it a little bit but it fizzled only after a few months.

I turned off a lot of features on Insta to see if that would help. It did for a while. . . And I am determined to only do things for myself with things that I enjoy. Because why do things for others' approval when it's only yours that matters for your own self? 

Unfortunately, after a while nothing seems to keep working. I feel like I fall farther and farther into the background. Don't get me wrong - I feel proud of my stuff like my looks, make and pics. But others that are doing the same thing appear to be doing 10x better. The algorhythm seems to think that my account is not good enough to reach anyone. And Insta overall just isn't fun anymore. Everyone is trying so hard to compete with each other to be seen. That if you're not loud enough you def won't be heard.

And it's crazy when you are discussing this in such a niche corner such as gyaru. Which it never used to be this way.

Anyway, I'm not looking for advice or sympathy. I'm just letting things off my chest. I'm also not going to use my Insta account to post anymore other than the occasional story. I left some pics on there that I really like but that will remain that way. I'll post any and all new pics on here. My own safe space where I don't have to worry about anything like algorhythms and likes and follows.

If you actually decided to read this all the way to the end. . . 
thank you.

3 件のコメント:

MεΛ さんのコメント...

Of course I read, I'm here for feelings, not just an aesthetic. Let me tell you, this blog is your space, just like my blog is my own space too. I have deleted insta app & use it on browser but I don't really connect with others, just when I rarely talk with friends online, so I have a different relationship with it. But! really, it's not a competition & you keep doing you. What matters most is express your feelings first, then you can do it with a creation of yours aka your style. Things are like that on social media :s you have to do certain stuff to get reached from others etc, kinda fictional but also it puts people like us into the "marketing" mindset. But! we aint all got it, I personally don't, so I just find my own niche (blogging). A big hug from me, wishing I helped somehow.

Sparklewolfie さんのコメント...

Social media is so fickle! Do what makes you happy, like blogging <3
I'm happy to see your instagram posts but if it's making you unhappy, I understand why you would want to stop.
Keep on doing your styles and looks!

黒い Amiman さんのコメント...

I completely understand your decision. I am happy to hear that I'll still get to hear from you here on your blog though~ (っ˘▽˘)*hugs* Also I'm here to talk any time you need.
- Amiman♥