2022 was def a wild year. But it was also my first transition year.
It started off crazy being overworked to the point where 20 hour days were the norm. The money was decent at least. But eventually the work slowed down to barely anything I could survive on. I had more time for other things but I eventually felt the poorest I've ever felt in my life. Job hunting became my next "career" but nothing came to me. Then my shop closed. I deleted a lot of my social media and fully bowed out of the "gal community". With all this going on, I am super grateful and felt extremely lucky to have Hubs at my side though.
Then finally, Mama got news of a place needing a replacement employee. I'm ridiculously happy she did. And I've been there ever since. I have an amazing schedule where I can do all sorts of things and I work with animals. Sure there are some sad times but the good def outweighs the bad. But it's all of these feelings that make me feel like I'm where I'm needed. I get to show these furbabies all the love in between homes. So they will only ever know love.
And even with all that going on, I feel like I've fallen harder in love with Hubs. Without him, I don't know where I would be. I'm not even exaggerating. He knew going into a relationship with me was going to be a bit of work since life decided to really test me. But he never left my side and instead fought all those hard tests and protected me. Literally felt like Aerith and Zack from FF7. Yes I'm sappy XD
I am, for the first time in the LONGEST time, very happy.
I love where I live. I love my job. I love the level of gal I've reached. SUPER OLDSCHOOL BABY! I found real friendship in people I grew close to. I love life again.

4 件のコメント:
Happy New Year! It sounds like you really passed the life's test and you're so lucky to have a partner who wholly supports you <3 <3
Wish you the best in the new year and congrats on making it through the low points of 2022!!!
Warms my heart to hear you're happy with life again (っ˘▽˘)(˘▽˘ς) So sorry you had to go through those tough times. *hugs* I'm glad you've been able to surround yourself with love, from your husband and the adorable fur babies hehe~
- Amiman♥
I'm so, so happy that things worked out for you in the end 💖💖 Here's to a better year!
@Sparklewolfie Happy New Year! Yes, I feel extremely lucky!!! ♥ Thank you so much and I wish YOU the best in the new year as well! I can't wait for CNY too. BUNNIES EVERYWHERE.
@黒い Amiman Thank you, love! *HUGHUGHUG*
@Lizzie Bee Thank youuuu!♥ CHEERS!