
火曜日, 2月 15, 2022

(♪)//138 Some Love for the Day⌒☆+゚

Hope you all had a great day yesterday~

I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day but this is the first time I'm in the same location as Hubs.So it was nice to just be together and do whatever. I honestly did not expect to do much because we all know how crazy this day can get.

Back home in NY, don't even think about trying to go out for dinner. You may get lucky with brunch or something. And flowers and gifts delivered everywhere!

But thankfully that's not the case here. And I'm also very much a breakfast person who doesn't care much for Valentine's Day stuff. I'm more into Easter decor and sweets for obvious reasons. So we decided to go for our date in the morning.

Originally we wanted to go to a local diner favorite but that was packed with just the usual breakfast crowd! Our second choice was not open on Mondays for whatever reason. So we took our chances with a closer place called Rainbow Diner.

The first time I went to this place it definitely looked like it was named. The decor on the walls were wild and each table was set with different themes. This time, however, I guess they renovated it and it looked like a normal cafe place. Which is fine!  It was still a very enjoyable experience!

Hubs got a Denver omelet and of course I had to go OTT.I got the french toast set with eggs and bacon. The waitress even dressed it up with whipped cream and sprinkles! It was so sweet and so perfect~ w

I ended up having to work a little bit but luckily finished just in time for dinner. I really wanted ice cream and we didn't have anything planned for dinner. So we got a quick meal at 5 Guys before stopping for some ice cream from Baskin Robbins!

I also dressed up for the day!

I definitely prefer a relaxing day over a day of stressful gift giving before rushing to an overpriced restaurant.

4 件のコメント:

Lizzie Bee さんのコメント...

I'm the same tbh - I much prefer a chilled day than a stressful one! I looove your coord and omg I'm dying for some dessert rn ;;

Megane Gal AMYH ✧*。 さんのコメント...

This outfit is super cuteeee! I actually love valentine's day but I've been single for 2 years now ಥ‿ಥ but yeah, staying inside is definitely better and more romantic! Xo

キーリん♡ さんのコメント...

Thank youuuu!!!! And yes it was so great!

キーリん♡ さんのコメント...

Thank you so much! Hey you can def just celebrate love for yourself! Or with friends! No need for a SO. ♥