
火曜日, 8月 17, 2021

☆99 Some Feelings...☆

It really sucks thinking you're doing okay and then something hits you making you think you're really not...

I was originally going to make this a whole post but I really don't think I'm in the right mindset to put words together. Maybe one of these days I'll stop thinking like this and be proud to be the gal I am and a gal blogger. But right now, I definitely don't feel either of those. More like a ghost or a failure or something...

I'm not looking for sympathy or anything like that. I just really wanted to get some of these words out.

How about...telling me good things that have happened in your life recently!

4 件のコメント:

Lizzie Bee さんのコメント...

Oh no bby girl ;; I'm so sorry that you're feeling like this! I think you're an amazing gal and an amazing gal blogger - srsyly the blogging world would feel empty without you!!!! <3333333

Sparklewolfie さんのコメント...

It's normal to have some self-doubt. It is good to use this chance to reflect and see how we can improve, but ultimately not let it bring you down; rather, have it make you stronger!

Hm, for something good that happened in my life... I guess I had a nice phone call this morning as soon as I woke up haha. Then had a nice video call with my little sister when I was at my mom's!

キーリん♡ さんのコメント...

Thank you, hun.♥ I hope these feelings pass soon...

キーリん♡ さんのコメント...

Yeah I have issues with the not letting it bring me down part...hopefully I can bounce back again.

Awww that's awesome! ♥