
土曜日, 7月 24, 2021

☆82 Halfway There☆

Sorry for disappearing this last week. The official moving process has finally begun!
I’m so very excited

Hubs came by for the week so he could visit family and we could have fun while also planning important things. And since I don't have a ton of stuff, he took most of my things with him to save on costs. 

I'm actually a lot more excited now than I was before cause it's a lot of stress trying to move across the country. I never did it before so he's been my rock to get me through this. It also got me to toss out a lot of things that finally needed to go and also giving friends stuff that would love a deserving home. Once all that goes, it will feel a lot lighter for me. 

It feels great to let go of stuff that you no longer need!

On my Twitter, I announced that I will be closing up my shop and hope to reopen in maybe a month or two I won't be able to offer custom pieces for a while till I get the rest of my supplies. But hopefully you all will like the stuff I will have for sale!

And...that's all really. I will try to continue blogging as often as I can until the big day. And I plan to take a train to get to my new home so I would also like to do a few mini posts while traveling. Would anyone be interested?

2 件のコメント:

Sparklewolfie さんのコメント...

Congrats on making progress!!
Moving is such a hassle, but getting rid of things you no longer need is definitely such a good feeling :3 Since I had to move every 1 to 1.5 years for the past 10 years (and across the planet three times) it definitely makes you double-think about buying things!

I would definitely be interested in seeing mini posts from you while you are traveling 💖 Your blog style is honestly how I had hoped mine would be, but clearly that did not work out (;´д`)ゞ

キーリん♡ さんのコメント...

Thank you!!!! ♥
Omg yeah, I was thinking how it must have been for you since reading your blog I know you moved quite a bit Dx I can't even imagine what that was like!

Awww thank you! Hopefully I can do it well! You can always try again~