For those that don’t know, I’ve been struggling a lot this year. I have always looked forward to the day when I could move out and could only dream. But anxiety is such a terrible thing and I couldn’t beat it. It got to the point where I couldn't even function normally or eat and sleep properly.
I never had a reason not to do this big move except being afraid of different negative possible reactions from my family. It didn’t mean it was really going to happen but that didn’t make the process any easier.
I love to travel! I also know I can’t survive in NY on my own. It’s just way too expensive here if you’re not making at least 50k.
But anyway, the important part is that I finally had my 20 seconds of insane courage and it worked out! Hard life lesson learned for sure - be kind to yourself and even if you're terribly afraid, the worst you can do is not try.
Fear will always be there but it's courage to being able to take it head on and press forward anyway.
Sometimes we really are our own worst enemies and you just have to do what you can to beat it. I talked with friends - they were all supportive, gave me really helpful advice and gave me the courage I needed. I know it’s ridic that I really had to go this hard on it and myself. But it’s finally done and shooting for august the earliest!
So wish me luck!!!

6 件のコメント:
Congrats on taking a step towards your goals!
Making small goals and pre-planning for how to deal with anxiety is really helpful, and of course, your support system of friends is great too! Good luck with moving to NYC (or whatever it is... I don't think I understand this post completely haha)
I am toxic brave....I force myself to do stuff I am too anxious about to the point I will do it. It always worked out well...filled with panic, but I was always glad I did LOL.
Thank you!!! Oh I'm going to AZ from NY XD
I wish to be like that! It really sucks being forced to procrastinate cause I'm too scared Dx
Still so happy for you~~~
- Amiman♥
Thank you!!!! ♥