
水曜日, 6月 30, 2021

☆76 Q&A!☆

Thank you to all that commented on my post with your questions! 
They're all very good ones too! 

 Puka-tan asks:

What’s a sub style or gal / and or any other jfashion you want to try but don’t think you’ll suit?

I absolutely adore just about every substyle but there's a bunch that I'm not sure if I really want to try. My top 3 are Agejo, Hime and true Yamanba. I really love all three but I just don't know if I'm suited for them. 

Agejo because most skirts won't cover enough. I tend to not get original gal brands for bottoms unless they have safety shorts since I'm more blessed in the hips area... 

Hime because...let's face it, that's a lot of work XD I really admire Hime gals that will do the whole thing with the wigs and all of the accessories. You all look amazing.

Yamanba usually has a lot of wild hair experiences. I love the style and it's so extreme! I just don't think I'll be able to do it justice cause either I won't know where to stop or if it's not enough.

Samii asks: 

What's your dream item that you would buy if money wasn't a factor?

These wigs. They're just so beautiful and perfect for gal. I have one that I got through a friend and I just want more!

Ophelia of Harts asks:

What is something (can be anything!) That you want to get into?

What is something you do that always cheers you up?

How are you such a lovely person full of sunshine 💖💖💕
Awww thank you!!! You're too sweet!

I really want to get into having more of a gal life. Like I want to do the activities. I only have one closet and it's all gal. I have this blog. And most of the stuff I make for my shop is at least gal influenced. But I want to do it all!

Something that always cheers me up is seeing gals being themselves in everything. I love seeing the blogs, the photos, the fun outings they have, etc. All of it inspires me to do more.

Lizzie Bee asks:

How did you start gyaru? <3
Favourite accessory?
I actually dabbled a little bit into this in an earlier blog post and it still amazes me how I found my way here. Going back to when I first started going to anime cons (around 2010-2013), I started becoming more interested in Jfashion. I had already been into blogs for a while and started off participating in Lolita. But like most things on the internet, things cross each other and I found older gal bloggers. A few of them did oldschool Himekaji and I really liked how more cute and simple-ish it was compared to Lolita. Some of the elements were similar but it hooked me. I started learning about Liz Lisa and the og gal version of Yumetenbo. And it only exploded from there.

My fave accessory has to be belts. I have a pretty decent variety of belts depending on my choice of style for that day. I feel super lucky to have a lot of the ones I have!

Pikanjo asked:

What hobbies help you relax?
Definitely working on resin crafts. I love being able to create just about anything and throwing in all sorts of stuff. It makes some really amazing creations even if I don't pre-plan it.

Summer Love Dolphin

Thank you all for your amazing questions! This was actually a lot of fun and I wouldn't mind doing it again. Of course, if anyone has questions in general, don't be afraid to drop me a line! Let's do this again sometime! 

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