If you follow my Twitter, I promised a look at the Ranzuki special featuring すずちゃん!
I don't have a scanner yet so I'm still just using my phone camera to get the shots. But hopefully they look okay. So far the best way I found is to stitch the spread back together.
I am trying to get my hands on a flatbed scanner but with other things going on, it's a bit difficult. If you'd like to help me out (which would actually bring more content to this blog!), please consider donating to my Kofi by either clicking this link or hitting that shiny yellow button on the left side of this blog! Sharing my Kofi would also be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
As usual - Disclaimer: These are all my own photos. Please do not remove my watermark. If you do plan on sharing them elsewhere, please leave my watermark on and though it's not required, it would be greatly appreciated to have a link back to my blog - https://www.bunnycraftydreamblog.com/
Please and thank you!!!!
I did not know that there was a Garfield roomwear series. They're actually pretty cute! |
She is just too cute! |
I love that like my girl Kanako, she can rock two opposite styles! |
This spread makes me more excited to use my orange pumps! |
Hoping that in the near future, I can read this article! |
48 hours with すずちゃん?! Yes please! |
Such cute outfits~ |
すずちゃん makeup! |
My guess this is all about the products she was using at the time! |
I find this to be amazing. I had no idea she was a Piplup fan! I wonder if she still is... |
すずちゃん covers and best looks! |
Some of the looks here are just perfect and make me want to do them! |
Gotta love the ads XD |
And finally the cute back cover! |
Whew! That was a lot of work! But I hope it you enjoyed this look through with me~ And if you made it this far, thank you! I promise in the future if I can get a scanner, I will redo this. Let me know what you think about this special! I really adore すずちゃん now and I can see why so many loved her.
Also, thank you to anyone that has submitted questions for my Q&A coming up! If you haven't already, please head over to my previous post and leave your question in a comment!
4 件のコメント:
omg i love thissss thank you for posting the scans!!!
also that garfield one piece is so cute ;-; cartoon prints are just the cutest <3
That was really cute and fun! I like her hairstyle :o And the makeup tutorial!
Thanks for sharing!
You're welcome! ♥
Isn't it great?! I loved it too!
You're welcome!