What is Amekaji?
Amekaji, or 'American Casual', is a substyle that focuses on the use of bright and colorful in makeup and co*des. Think oldschool Americana mixed with some 90s styles. It's a super comfortable and casual style.
☆ Bold and brightly colored prints
☆ Cute patterns and slogan tees
Baseball caps and beanies
☆ Jeans, shorts and skirts. Dresses were later
added in with layering under hoodies
and sweatshirts.
☆ Colorful gyaru
☆ Tan is optional. As time went along, gals opted out on this
☆ Hair is often bleached to various shades of blonde.
Note: An option that changed and soon all hair colors were done.
Sneakers, small heels and sometimes boots
☆ Notable brands are Blue Moon
Blue, COCOLULU, marpleQ and SBY
Now for the other style I mentioned:
What is Haady?
Haady was a substyle started around 2007 and had this wild mix of what was gyaru, British punk, American rock with some hip-hop patterns and wild colors. The name Haady comes from the Japanese word 派手 (hade) meaning flashy. So that makes a bit of sense!
It's also important to note that it was ex-EGG model Kaoru Watanabe (who also helped establish the brand JSG [Japanese Super Girl]) who created this style.
☆ Bright, colorful, lots of neon, lots of patterns
☆ No natural colors
but black is usually the base
☆ Makeup for the entire face is more
colorful and brighter than any other substyle
☆ Lots of stars, stripes,
polka-dots, skulls, check prints, color blocks
☆ Style was originally
more sexy and tight-fitting before later becoming looser and fluffier
Footwear can be whatever you choose
☆ Layering is key
☆ Hair
colors could be just about anything (the wilder the better)
☆ Notable
brands are JSG, Galaxxxy (also created by Kaoru), early Tutuha, LDS

7 件のコメント:
I love haady!! even though I can't see myself wearing those styles
Amekaji and Haady suits you so so much! Like, it was made for you ^//////^ I really want to try it out one day but I don't really have any colourful clothes ... ;;
It's okay! I absolutely adore your style ♥
Wahhhhh thank youuuuu!!!!♥ ♥ ♥ lol my closet has gotten crazy cause of all the styles I love XD
Both styles fit you so well ♡ ~('▽^人) I'm so here for it!!
- Amiman♥
Thank you so much, Princess ;_;♥
Uhh this is so interesting, thank you for writing this! And I love your take on the style, the second one (pink hoodie) is my favorite 😍💕