
日曜日, 3月 23, 2025


Last night, Hubby and I went out for a game night! \(^ω^)

We wore our matching Monster Hunter shirts (o^^o)

One of our friends from work got a new house so it was like a housewarming party too w ♪♪♪

We got pizza and played some fun card games ☆彡

Makes me really want to get Horrible Therapist (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) It was so funny (≧∀≦)

金曜日, 3月 21, 2025


Lately, I've been feeling a lot of ups and downs    ( ̄^ ̄) so I've only been updating my blog when I have the energy ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Or maybe it's the weather? Work? Life? (*´-`)

Makes me wonder if everyone is doing okay ♪♪♪

I've been trying to practice doing my make like Megu (^ー^)

Do you think it came out okay? ☆彡

I hope I feel better soon so I can blog more (^з^)-☆

火曜日, 3月 18, 2025


My book order came in and I got some good magazines! ♪♪♪

But I really wanted to show you these (゚∀゚)

I still can't believe these came as a set together ☆

I have always wanted these and I hope I can learn to read them (*´-`) They have such gorgeous photos (^з^)-☆

Okay off to bed now! ☆彡